Wednesday, March 30, 2011

BBQ Baby Bok Choy and Carrots and Onions 5 Stars *****

I found the most beautiful bok choy at Costco today.
 I tossed it with some carrots, onion, salt and pepper, olive oil and threw it on the grill.

 I turned the leafy parts inward so they wouldn't burn while the carrots cooked,
 I must say, the finished product was AmaZing! The onion and carrots got a little charred, and, the bok choy was just crunchy, wilty bbq perfect!


Monday, March 28, 2011


Do you love chocolate cake?  I would love to make one for you!

I am just sooo happy to have all those little red dots on my clustrmap! 

Well, starting today, for all of my blog friends, I have a special coupon!

Let me just say this....I heart YOU!!! and now, I am sharing the loVe!

I have created a new coupon code- iheartyourblog  which I will leave active indefinitely for 10% off 

ANYTHING in my Etsy shop!

I would have baked you this delicious chocolate cake,

but, it wouldn't fit through the intertubes!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Now Using Leather

I got some leather upholstery scraps on E-Bay.  They are just beautiful.  
I found the fabric at the "Road to California" quilt show, and I came up with this cute bag.
The lining is a Hoffman Batik and there are 2 nice pockets.

It has a matching wallet
And the suede is super soft.  It should last a long time.

That's Lillian in the photo...hi, Lillian...

My other leather purse is in my shop--------------------------->

That one is really nice, too.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Bucket Organizer

Check it messy sewing table already looks better.

I have been saving this bucket for a while, and this morning it all came together.

This one is for me, because as you can see, I could use a bit more organization.

I'm going down to Home Depot today to see what sizes I can get buckets in.

Then I'll make one for you and put it in my Etsy shop.

I think I'll just sell the cover, as shipping the bucket might be more costly.



Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hat Box!

Hi.  I spent all day constructing a hat box.  Here's a pic...

Here is the inside... I love the pockets.
It turned out ok, I think! 

I shot a bunch of pictures along the way, and will assemble them into a tutorial...

I sewed the whole thing, without music or TV.  

I just put myself in the moment, doing what makes me happy.



Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Thank You, Happy Project!!

With all that is unfolding in the world, I must say, thank you to the Happy Project.

This is a very lovely project. 
I instantly felt better when reading the postcards sent in from all over the world, listing what makes the particular person happy.  
Click on over there.
I think that we all could use a little bit of happiness right now.


This makes me happy.

Monday, March 14, 2011


I am so saddened about what has happened in Japan.  It makes me want to just hug my girls and never let them go.  The thought of children searching for their parents, cold and alone, is just too overwhelmingly sad for me to think about.   

I found this list of ways to help the people of Japan:

The Red Cross is accepting donations on its Web site and via text message. Amazon has also posted links on its sites to the Red Cross. When donating online, the organization will give you the option of donating directly to the Japan earthquake and Pacific tsunami, to other efforts on which the Red Cross is working, or simply where the need is greatest. To make a $10 donation via your mobile phone, text REDCROSS to 90999.
The Salvation Army in Japan has three emergency service relief teams working throughout the affected regions in Japan. One of those teams is working with people who have been evacuated from the area around the damaged nuclear power plants. Additional emergency service personnel will soon leave London for Japan. The organization said that a trip from Tokyo to Sendai, which normally takes six hours, recently took 20 hours. The group is accepting donations online, and mobile users can also text JAPAN or QUAKE to 80888 to donate $10.
GlobalGiving: This organization is working with International Medical Corps, Save the Children, and other organizations on the ground. Text JAPAN to 50555 to donate.
Save the Children Federation: The group said it has teams within 80 miles of the nuclear reactor at Fukushima to assess the needs of children. To donate, text JAPAN or TSUNAMI to 20222.
International Medical Corps: The group said it will focus its efforts on earthquake and tsunami affected communities that have not yet been reached. To donate, text MED to 80888.
Mercy Corps: On Sunday, Mercy Corps partner Peace Winds conducted assessments in two devastated cities in northeast Japan, Ishimaki and Kesennuma. On Monday they'll helicopter 30 family-sized tents for homeless survivors in Kesennuma, plus materials to construct a 100-person balloon shelter, Mercy Corps said. To donate, text MERCY to 25383.
Convoy of Hope: This faith-based hunger group will deploy teams and supplies to devastated areas. Text TSUNAMI to 50555 to donate $10.
World Relief: This faith-based organization is part of the National Association of Evangelicals. World Relief said it is in touch with the Japanese Evangelical Association, and will respond as necessary. To donate, text WAVE to 50555.
Adventist Development and Relief Agency: ADRA has committed an initial response to $25,000 and sent an assessment team to evaluate and prepare a broader response. At this point, ADRA is providing food and shelter at the Central Tokyo Seventh-day Adventist Church for train passengers stranded in Tokyo. Text SUPPORT to 85944 to donate.
World Vision: The group said it will establish one or more child-friendly spaces - sites for children affected by disasters intended to help them resume normal childhood activities that are lost after emergencies. To donate, text 4JAPAN or 4TSUNAMI to 20222.'s AliExpress is allowing users to purchase disaster relief and emergency items at cost, which the company will ship to Japan free of charge. Shoppers can buy things like a small tent for $10.52, LED flashlight for $0.44, a sleeping bag for $7.69, and more. Specify "Japan Earthquake Relief" as the shipping address at checkout and Alibaba will send the items from its Shanghai warehouse to Japan.
Please, we all must find a way to help.
It is just too sad.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jim's Jeans Purse

This is a pic of the jeans purse I made today.  It is a method of constructing a bag that I have been meaning to try out for a while.  Everything just kinda flowed together and I came out with a really great bag.   My dd Annie even likes it!  She's taking it out tonight!
I'm actually honored that she likes it...She's quite particular!
The edges of the handles have been fringed to give it that forever look.  

I call it Jim's Jeans Purse, because my sweetie, Jim, gave up a pair of his jeans for this, and, just by luck the coordinating fabric is from the Jim Shore Collection.  

Sometimes things just work out.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Tree of Life

I love trees!  I also love life.  One of my ongoing projects is this Tree of Life art quilt.  
I always like to have several projects going.  Do you do the same thing?  It's like having my "happy place" all folded up and ready to go.  


Saturday, March 5, 2011


Here is a pic of my oldest, Annie in the Cosette costume from the play Les Miserables.

she did a beautiful job designing and sewing this up!

The Play opens next weekend at the Poinsettia Pavilion, in Ventura, California.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Hee hee.  I like to challenge myself.  Today, I made another train case, and I didn't melt the zipper with my iron.  This one is a bit larger and has a double zipper.  It also has a handle.  Yay, little victories keep me going.  Here is a pic of both together:
I really wanted to put this in my etsy shop, but, some of the stitching is a little wonky, and the inside is a little bit puckery.  I might have to just keep it for myself.  (oh, darn!)

Now, just need to plan a getaway so I can use it!
