Saturday, October 22, 2011

2 More Reasons I LoVe the Internet

 I keep finding more reasons to Love the internet. 

Here are a few recipes that I found just clicking around.

Disposable Baby Wipes
Cut a paper towel roll in 1/2 with a bread knife.  You will then have have 2 short rolls.  Put
paper towel roll in a gallon size ziplock bag. 

2 cups water
2 Tbsp. Baby Wash
3 Tbsp. BabyOil
Mix together and pour in the center of paper towel roll.   

Pore Cleansing Mask 

1 Tablespoon Unflavored Gelatin
1 1/2- 2 Tablespoons Milk

Microwave the gelatin and milk for about 10-15 seconds. It will get smoother in the microwave, but, it may be hot!  Stir around and make sure it's not too hot. Then, start applying it  to your face. This stuff hardens up fast so you’ve got to act fast.
Let it dry for about 15+ minutes.
Grab whatever you can and start peeling it off.  
A warm shower will dissolve any leftover mask in brows.  


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